Tribute Day to Jean6Stéphane Joly

This scientific day is dedicated to our colleague Jean-Stéphane Joly, INRAE Research Director.

Jean-Stéphane Joly worked at the NeuroSciences Paris-Saclay Institute. He founded the TEFOR Paris-Saclay unit, which is part of the CELPHEDIA infrastructure. Jean-Stéphane was a key player in the creation of this infrastructure.

We wanted to pay tribute to him by organising this day, which brings together the scientific themes that he was so passionate about.

This tribute day is supported by Celphedia


09h00-09h30 : Welcome coffee


09h30-09h50 : Introduction of the day, Daniel Boujard et André Le Bivic (INSB, CNRS)


09h50-10h50 : Opening Conference, Denis Duboule (Collège de France) :

                         The Evolution of Regulatory Landscapes


10h50-11h50 : Fish models Session 

  • 10h50-11h20 : Sylvie Rétaux (CNRS NeuroPSI) : Blind cavefish as olfactory specialists
  • 11h20-11h50 : Stefan Schulte-Merker (University of Münster)


11h50-13h30 : Lunch


13h30-14h30 :  Evo-Devo Session 

  • 13h30-14h00 : Bill Jeffery (University of Maryland) : Regeneration in the Tunicate Ciona and the Legacy of Jean-Stéphane Joly
  • 14h00-14h30 : Vincent Laudet (University of Okinawa)


14h30-15h30 : Genome editing Session

  • 14h30-15h00 : Carine Giovannangeli (Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle)
  • 15h00-15h30 : Filippo Del Bene (Institute of Vision, Paris) : Genome editing tools in zebrafish


15h30-16h00 : Coffee break


16h00-17h00 : Regeneration & stem cells Session 

  • 16h00-16h40 : Catherina & Thomas Becker (Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden)


                                    Are regeneration-specific neurons born after spinal injury in zebrafish?

                                    Is there a pro-regenerative macrophage after spinal injury in zebrafish?


  • 16h40-17h10 : Xavier Bailly (Roscoff Marine Station) : Emerging marine models : shedding light on a photosymbiotic partnership



The day will end with a convivial moment, a great occasion to remind us of good memories with Jean-Stéphane.


NeuroPSI – Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience

Campus CEA Saclay

151 route de la Rotonde

Bâtiment 151

91400 Saclay, FRANCE


Access by public transportation

From Paris, take the RER B train in the South direction (Massy-Palaiseau, Orsay, Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse), stop at:
• station Massy-Palaiseau for connection to bus 19-06 or 19-10,
• or at station Le Guichet for connection to bus 9.

The closest bus stop is Mare du Vivier – CEA Porte Sud.

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